Monday, July 7, 2008 

New home Checklist (The News & Observer)

8 things you should know about but regular inspection won't find.

Anyone who does not think they need to be concerned with their own safety and security is just fooling themselves. This is a dangerous world, filled with people you want to rip you off and take your processions. Everyone needs to arm themselves with their own non-lethal personal security device that they feel comfortable with.

There are many types of inexpensive personal security devices that are available to Radon Test average person today. Some are taser stun guns, pepper spray mace or personal security alarms. Here is a little information on each device.

Stun guns have been around for many years but with technology comes many advancements and improvements. The types of models available today are smaller and more powerful than older models. There is even one available that is a stun gun a flashlight and pepper spray all built into one device. There is also one that looks just like a real cell phone. Radon Test one will ever know your carrying a stun gun.

Pepper spray is probably one of the most effective personal security devices you can carry. Unlike many stun guns where you have to be close to your attacker to stun them, with pepper spray you can be at a safe distance from the attacker and still defend yourself. Pepper spray canisters are portable enough to carry in a ladies purse. They are very easy to operate. All you do is aim and spray to immediately stop your attacker.

Personal security alarms are the new kid on the block of personal security. Although they have not been around as long as other security devices they are still very effective at their job of scaring off would be attackers. Once they are set off they will send out an ear piercing sound that will scare off anyone. They to are portable enough for anyone to carry. They also come in many styles and shapes.

As you can see there are many great personal security devices for you to choose from. It really comes down to a personal choice and choosing the one you feel most comfortable with. Which ever device you choose make sure you know how to use it and by all means keep it with you where ever you go.

Most of the devices can be purchased on-line from any specialty store. You can also find them at a law enforcement supply store in your area. By shopping here you can actually examine and hold the device before you buy it. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and get a feel for the device your most interested in.

Michael W Anderson owns and operates personalsecurityinfo personalsecurityinfo
personalsecurityinfo Personal Security Devices For detailed information on ways to protect yourself and your family visit our website.